Leave a Legacy of Hope
Create a lasting impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness with a planned gift.

Create a Meaningful Impact
You have the power to make a lasting difference by supporting our mission to provide affordable housing and essential wrap-around services for our clients. Please consider including Inspirica in your estate plan to ensure our work continues for years to come.
By including Inspirica in your estate planning, you can leave a legacy supporting our mission. Sharing your intentions with us ensures your wishes are honored and allows us to acknowledge your invaluable support for Inspirica’s future.
For more details and to have a meaningful impact, please contact Sydney DeLago, Director of Development, at Donations@InspiricaCT.org. Thank you for considering this important opportunity to leave a lasting legacy.
"You make a living by what you get.
You make a life by what you give."
-Sir Winston Churchill
Liz's Legacy
I have been a proud supporter of Inspirica for many years.
I watched and learned from my parents, Frank and Mary Ball of Stamford, CT, as they donated their time and treasure (whatever they could afford) to help those less fortunate than us. They involved my sisters and brothers in these activities whenever possible. We took in foster babies – I think 27 or 28 of them over several years. They also volunteered at the Stamford Hospital, Red Cross, and more.
They donated to Inspirica because they saw the impact that was being made by dealing with the real issues of homelessness and not just providing a bed. My parents have passed on, but my sisters, brothers, and their families and I continue the tradition of service to the community.
I have made Inspirica part of my estate planning through their Legacy Gift Program to ensure that the work done at Inspirica is supported after I have passed away.
Some people find it difficult to address ‘end-of-life’ decisions. For me, it was an important decision that I chose to make now, and I have shared that decision with Inspirica. Though I hope to live a long and happy life, I can rest easy knowing that whatever happens, I have made a commitment to the incredible work they do in our community that will live beyond me.